Spring Guided Cleanse
Welcome the change of seasons feeling revitalized and rejuvenated.
About the cleanse
Unlike the fad juice cleanses and elimination detoxes out there, an Ayurvedic cleanse deeply nourishes all the tissue layers of your body. In Ayurveda, a mono-diet of kitchari is brought in to remove toxins, light the digestive fire, and gently support the building of fresh tissue. Our cleanse will include clear instructions for grocery shopping, along with food prep, cooking, and consumption. Daily, recorded check-ins and a private online group with your fellow cleansers provides a support system to help you through.
You will be given the tools to help eliminate and clear the stagnation of the cold months, so that you may welcome in the spring with fresh energy and rejuvenated mind, body, and spirit.
This cleanse is entirely virtual and accessible wherever you may live. Recordings are provided daily.
What’s included?
Live introductory session (virtual) explaining the cleanse, foods, and recipes. Time for Q&A to feel clear and prepared. Recording available for viewing later.
Daily check-in email that includes recorded video meditation and light movement.
Comprehensive, digital guidebook that includes a calendar, daily rituals, and recipes.
Dedicated, private WhatsApp forum to connect with fellow group members and share experiences and support during the cleanse.
Guidance from a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Plant-based Chef
Live closing session (virtual) to check-in and provide takeaways.
Cleanse Calendar
March 31: 60-minute introductory call @ 7pm PST
April 1 - 6: Grocery shopping/prep
April 7 - 11: Active cleanse
April 11: 30-minute closing session @ 7pm PST
"What a good experience this was and very much needed. I'm clearer now, stronger now, more grounded.
Once again, let food be thy medicine.
Thank you for all you do."
- Former cleanse participant
A 5-day, seasonal transition reset. Nourishing, renewing, and rejuvenative. Registration cost includes transaction fee.
✺ Q & A ✺
This cleanse is designed to fit in with a busy person’s schedule. That said, a cleanse is intended to give yourself a chance to reset, focus, and release. Telling loved ones and colleagues that you are engaged in a cleanse can help with necessary boundary setting during this special time of self care.
Beginner level. If you can chop veggies, boil water, and measure spices, you’re golden. You’ll have the option to make some recipes with a blender, for example, but no high-tech equipment or skill level needed here.
Absolutely not. An Ayurvedic cleanse is intended to load you up on nutrient-dense foods and beverages. What makes it a cleanse is that it takes away the processed and ultra-heavy foods that sit in our bodies and create the kind of waste that remains stagnant. It also introduces daily practices that aid in digestion and proper absorption of nutrients.
That’s the idea! You’ll be provided with easy-to-make recipes that also allow you to be creative. While we’ll stick to a mono-diet of kitchari for the majority of the cleanse, there will be extra meal and snack options if you feel like mixing it up.
Here’s why juicing and fasting can be ineffective, especially during the seasonal transition… While juice is absolutely fine to bring into your Ayurvedic cleanse, you still need comprehensive nourishment and (as silly as it may sound) to chew your food. Stopping to prepare, eat, and enjoy a meal is just as much a part of the cleanse as what goes in our body.
Fasting deprives the body of nutrients. And while, yes, it can certainly make us feel lighter, it does little to build us back up in a way that prepares the body, mind, and spirit for the new season. (but you do get the benefits of intermittent fasting on an Ayurvedic schedule when you eat dinner by 6pm, then breakfast by 8am)
Disclaimer: The Rad Root Guided Cleanse is gentle and effective for people in generally good states of health. A cleanse is not recommended for people who are pregnant, experiencing symptoms of a chronic or acute health condition, or severely depleted. If you are undergoing treatment for any medical condition, please consult your doctor to determine if a cleanse is appropriate for you. By registering for this cleanse, you assume any and all risks and understand you are responsible for consulting with a healthcare practitioner regarding any personal health-related questions you have before, during, or after the cleanse.